Attempting to Understand the Bible
When I was very young, there was a comedian by the name of Flip Wilson who had a TV show. I don’t remember the show all that well because, like I said, I was very young. But I do remember that one of his routines made popular the saying, “The Devil made me do it.” It became common to hear people use that phrase to excuse any kind of inappropriate action that they may have committed. Did you eat the last piece of cake? Yes, but the devil made me do it.
Interestingly, people today still use a similar excuse for bad behaviour, though they may not use the same words anymore. Somehow in their minds they believe that Satan has power over them. Nothing makes Satan happier, I’m sure. Yes, Satan will surely put temptations in our way. In the book of Job, we see that Satan spends his time roving around the earth looking for someone to provoke. (Job 1:7, Job 2:2) I Peter 5:8 tells us that we need to be alert and aware because Satan is surely out to devour us. He does this very cunningly, by deception. He doesn’t want us to know that his goal is to devour us; he makes it look much more pleasant than that, (II Corinthians 11:14) but what he really wants is to turn us away from God.
The truth is that if we have God on our side, we are more powerful than Satan. God gives us this promise, with instruction, in James 4:7-8. The instruction is to submit to God and resist the devil, to cleanse our hands and make our hearts pure. We are still responsible for the choices that we make. We need to focus on God and His purposes, instead of our own human desires. (James 1:13-15) We need to think with an eternal perspective. Sometimes we just need to think before we act. Then the promise comes into effect. If we resist the devil, the devil will flee from us. If we draw near to God, God will draw near to us. In both cases we need to take the first step. We are not just puppets in this game. We are responsible for the decisions we make and for the actions we take. But the more we spend time with God, through prayer and Bible study, the more easily we will be able to recognize Satan’s schemes and then make good choices.
The following video is an example of Flip Wilson's routine:
Regular readers of this blog will probably have noticed that I have been away for a few weeks. I have been quite ill, and I would like to thank my guest authors for filling in the gap while I was unable to write. It started out as a pretty average illness, but a reaction to medication made it quite serious. I honestly thought I might die. That’s the kind of feeling that tends to change your perspective on life, and make you think about eternity.
I believe that James was trying to teach a similar lesson in James 1:9-11. He says that the poor should take pride in their high position, and the rich should take pride in their low position. That is not to say that either are necessarily in the position they are in because of the amount of money or material possessions that they have. The point is that those who have little money tend to put their trust in God, while those who are wealthy face the temptation of putting their trust in their own riches and their own ability to control things. Unfortunately that is a false hope, because we truly do not have control over what happens to us. Yes, there are some aspects of our lives that we control; we do have the power to make wise or unwise choices that can affect our future, but there is a large part of our lives than can be affected by outside forces as well. Anything could happen at any moment that would change our life forever, or end it instantly.
The Bible is not against having wealth, but it is against making it a priority in our lives and trusting in it for our salvation from the trials that we face. The Bible tells us that God can provide for any need that we may have. (Matthew 6:19-34, Luke 12:29-32) God wants us to trust in Him, and to be men and women of strong character. He does not look at our outward appearance or at our possessions, but at our heart. (I Samuel 16:7) We need to make sure that our hearts are wholly devoted to Him, and then we will be ready for eternity.
Imagine, a cool crisp day, the sun is shining brightly. You are on the northern coast of France, preparing to board a brand new ocean liner that will take you to New York in the United States of America. At the dock, you are surrounded by fellow passengers, from the very, very rich, to the poor. All are welcome on this luxury liner for a price. The price you pay will determine the amenities you are afforded, but even second and third class passengers have not seen luxury like this on a ship before. Around you, you hear men, women and children, all talking excitedly about their new life in America, about reunions with family, about their international business interests, and the adventures they are on. By the time the ship arrives from its starting point in England and all the passengers are boarded, it will be evening. The next day there will be one more stop on the southern tip of Ireland, and then you will be set for a week at sea. The date is April 10, 1912.
Most of you have already figured out that that brand new luxury liner was the Titanic, and it never reached its intended destination. Late Sunday night, April 14, 1912, the Titanic hit an iceberg; it sank in the wee hours of Monday, April 15, 1912. Fewer than half of those on board survived. Many will say that the ship was not adequately prepared with lifeboats, or by training, for the rescue efforts that were required. There are some differing perspectives on the events of that night, but on one thing I think we can all agree: None of those passengers planned for their lives to end that day.
The truth is that we never know what may happen to us that we haven’t planned for. We don’t know when our lives may be taken from us, or when something may happen to derail us from our course. James warned his listeners against proudly boasting about what they would do, where they would go and what they would earn. (James 4:13-15) They were businessmen planning their road to riches, but James reminded them that they were not the ones in control of their tomorrow. Although, from our own perspective, the world may revolve around us, in the scope of eternity, our life here on earth is just a puff of smoke. We are such a short chapter in the story. James was not suggesting that we should not plan any part of our lives, but that as we are planning we need to acknowledge that God is sovereign. We are not in control of our own destiny, but God is in control of all. Commit your plans to God. Ask Him for guidance and direction. And focus on doing the things that will make a difference for all eternity.
Updates on two families whose plans have also been dramatically changed.
The Chretiens:
Those of you who have been following this blog for a long time will remember that just over a year ago, Al and Rita Chretien went missing while driving from their home in British Columbia to a trade show in Las Vegas, Nevada. Rita was found after being stranded in their van for seven weeks. Al, on the third day of being lost, had set out on foot to look for help. He has never been found. The family will hold a memorial service for him tomorrow. I’m sure the family would still appreciate your prayers.
Baby Bella and her family have had a very unplanned two weeks. During that time they have spent two days in their own home. Otherwise they have been at the hospital, or at the Ronald McDonald House next door to it. Bella is currently fighting a fever, which is dangerous for chemo patients, and she hasn’t had a very good day. She has had many tests and treatments, involving either needles or surgery on her little eight-month-old body. It has been a very exhausting time both emotionally and physically for her family as well. Please continue to keep this family in your prayers. They (and I) appreciate the support so much.
Today's post was written by Rusty Wright.
Ever feel like you’re talking to a brick wall?
The television comedy Frasier was one of the most popular TV series in US history. It’s been called “a thinking person’s comedy.” Reruns are ubiquitous, about six episodes daily in our area. Frasier Crane, the protagonist, is a caring, sensitive, cultured – but insecure and sometimes pompous – Seattle radio psychiatrist who always greets his callers with, “I’m listening.” Yet sometimes he becomes so wrapped up in himself that he tunes others out.
He’s not alone. In one amusing scene, Frasier’s ex wife, Lilith (also a psychiatrist) tries to converse with Frasier’s brother Niles (yet another psychiatrist) about an especially weighty matter. Niles, focused on a video game, doesn’t pay her sufficient attention, prompting Lilith to exclaim, “Is there a chair here I could talk to?”
I confess that my wife, Meg, sometimes has to use Lilith’s line to get my attention. Mind you, I don’t confess that it’s as often as she might claim!
But it’s easy to focus on my interests and not hear – or fully process – her words. Once, planning a meal, she asked if we had vegetables in the refrigerator. Seeing none of the vegetables I like (carrots, celery, zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli), I replied “No.” Turned out we had artichokes, asparagus, and other veggies that were her favorites. Perhaps distracted – that alibi satisfies me if it does you – I didn’t take the time to think through her interests.
Listening is a powerful form of affirmation and an important tool in understanding and communication. Solomon, a wise Jewish king, wrote, “What a shame, what folly, to give advice before listening to the facts!” (Proverbs 18:13)
Have you ever been around someone who made you feel like you were the most important person in the world? They probably knew how to listen.
Medical ethicist Stephen Post writes in his book, Why Good Things Happen to Good People, “When we truly absorb another’s story, we are saying, ‘You count. Your life and feelings and thoughts matter to me. And I want to know who you really are.’” He claims that listening can help both the listener and the one listened to. New studies indicate: “Listening activates the part of our brains hardwired for empathy. … When we listen to others in pain, their stress response quiets down and their body has a better chance to heal.”
University of Minnesota rhetoric professor Ralph G. Nichols noted that a listener’s opposition to a speaker’s statement can hamper further listening. Nichols said a listener feeling stung often tries “to do three things simultaneously: (1) calculate what hurt is being done to his own pet ideas; (2) plot an embarrassing question to ask the speaker; (3) enjoy mentally all the discomfiture visualized for the speaker once the devastating reply to him is launched.”
Sounds like a recipe for tuning out. Maybe for starting a war. Better to “hold your fire” advised Nichols. Reminds me of a biblical adage: “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Your anger can never make things right in God’s sight.” (James 1:19-20)
The International Listening Association (yep, they really exist) quips that conversation is “a vocal competition in which the one who is catching his breath is called the listener.” TV talking heads take note, please.
The ILA also says, “History repeats itself because no one listens the first time.” Politicians and voters take note, please.
Isn’t this a fascinating subject? Don’t you just love reading what I say about it?
Oh, yes. What was that you wanted to tell me?
Rusty Wright is an author and lecturer who has spoken on six continents. He holds Bachelor of Science (psychology) and Master of Theology degrees from Duke and Oxford universities, respectively. www.RustyWright.com